
I am told that if you sprinkle
rose peddles on your floor before the
arrival of your lover, the aroma encourages his love.
The strewing of flowers and leaves and aromatic
herbs has historically symbolized the beginning of
feastival days in churches and public celebrations .

Potpourri begins with chopped leaves and pieces of aromatic plants and flowers, bark petals and fruit peels
mix and match to suit your needs and desire's.
Some samples include:
Devotion----magnolia petals, nutmeg beans, lemon peel
Happinees in a relationship----Lavender Flowers, dried Morning Glories, Spearment Leaves, and Orange Rind
Love----whole dried Roses, Cinnamon Sticks, Apple Peelings
Passion----Cinnamon Sticks and Hibiscus Petals along with Violet and scented oil
You can enhance the warmth of your love by steeping the potpourri and adding a chant such as

Love is gentle, love is warm
through this blend let love be born

Steep for as long as it pleases you. Add water as needed..........

Mystically yours

Sassie ;-) and (-: Taunee

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